Onsite Skin Checks at Docklands

Taking care of your skin is essential, and a regular skin check is a key part of that. Did you know you can schedule a professional to come to your workplace. 

This convenient option allows for a full-body examination by a professional is a great way to get a check without interrupting your busy schedule.

The sun’s UV radiation can cause skin cancer including melanoma that can spread to vital organs. Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world.

What is a skin check?

A ‘skin check’ is a comprehensive assessment and examination of an asymptomatic person for any evidence of skin cancer. Wellness by CHM has partnered with MoleMap, to provide consultations with an experienced Melonographer with any necessary follow up with a Dermatologist.

Why get a skin check?

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Skin cancer, including melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, is the most common cancer in Australia. Regular skin checks are vital for early detection of skin cancer. It’s never too late, or too early to start preventing skin cancer.

What happens in a Skin Check?

Each screening is designed to be educational, discussing preventative measures for ultimate skin protection. Your results are completely confidential.

  • At your appointment you’ll be seen by a melanographer who’ll take the time to thoroughly check your skin from head-to-toe. They’ll help you feel at ease throughout the whole process.

  • Each examination will take approximately 20 minutes, from start to finish, including undressing and re-dressing. You will be given privacy to undress, put on a disposable gown and leave your underwear on.

  • A trained melanographer will conduct a thorough and comprehensive examination of the skin and advise of any abnormal skin lesions. Professional advice and recommendations will be provided. If further treatment is needed, you’ll be referred to your GP or a skin specialist.